Saturday, October 29, 2005

Weekend Frenzy.

Thursday night Needlefingers and I went to Needles work place and set in on a lecture of a real live ghost hunter. His name was Peter Jordan of Vestigia, featured and interviewed on ABC, CBS, Unsolved Mysteries and 20/20. Although setting in a room with 300+ college students, coughing, sneezing and making other unfortunate noises wasn't on the top of my to do list, It was interesting . If we don't come down with the flu or something I think we will be lucky. Anyway the lecture was neat and chilling at times with visuals and sound effects. The story of the Rainboy was interesting, and stories of haunted houses and the experiences he had while investigating them was intriguing. I think between the subject matter and just enough comic relief injected to keep the adolescent minds occupied and interested for the hour and a half we were there. Afterward Needlefingers and I strolled over to the on campus coffee shop for a nice beverage. Needlefingers chose hot, I chose cold as I was burning up in the lecture room. All in all it was neat and I would recommend anyone who gets a chance to hear his lecture to do so. You won't regret it.

Last night ,while Needlefingers was away, my brother, a friend and I went to the local haunted house. At first you walk in and see some blood and gore on a table, then proceed through the black plastic sheeting into twisting and winding pathways with people in various masks standing like zombies on either side of you. Occasionally a loud pop or bang as if a balloon popped behind you is heard. We made our way through the building to the exit or what I thought was the exit only to turn and enter again into the other side of the building. Again a plastic sheeting maze seen briefly as strobes, loud noises, occasional growls and howl from masked people along side. At what was thought as the exit again was a woman laughing over the body of her dead husband screaming "I did it....I did it....And I'd do it again!" Back into the building again as you hear a chainsaw and see Leatherface beside you with a sudden appearance and hand shake from Freddy Krueger. Then the best part of the haunted house was then puking man. A unfortunate soul kneeled down over a barrel with perpetual puke rolling out of his face, complete with sound effects that tightens the gut. Not a bad haunted house for 5$ a head. I think they did a really good job.
Today was trying to get things ready for Monday. The forecast of rain is not setting well with me but what can I do about it. I am already making arrangements to keep animated props on my tiny front porch. All battery operated props have been loaded with fresh batteries. I am planning on getting off early from work to have time to put some of my items for trick or treating up. Unfortunately I live in a neighborhood that I can't place the things out early or they will get broken or taken, so everything goes up Halloween day and down Halloween night. Makes for a busy day. Also have been having trouble with the Jeeps brakes for a few weeks and finally broke down and come to the conclusion that ignoring it doesn't make it go away. Pulled passenger side drum off to find it in good condition. Should have know a 50/50 shot and I would choose the wrong one. Drivers side drum wouldn't come off even after bleeding so had to beat on it awhile to get it out. Found the retention spring by the brake adjuster had broken and breaks were wearing down and one brake pad had even split. Got it replaced and test drove it and all is well with the Jeep now.
Needlefinger was away for a couple nights to accompany her mother to get a heart Cathy done. They were at the hospital 9 1/2 hours for that and getting up a 5 am to be there in time to get delayed a couple hours due to emergencies. She tolerated the procedure well but had to stay a few extra hours because the incision site wouldn't stop bleeding completely. Needles mom is now home and doing well. Unfortunately the test has told us that she will require some surgery to fix a malfunctioning valve in her heart. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Needlefingers brought home a queen size mattress to put in the guest room for some guests that will soon be visiting us. Schedule pending. As you can see we have a guest already and by the smile on his or her face the new mattress is comfy. We hope to iron out plans for a visit from Cynical and Ragged before winter sinks in its claws and weather gets bad. I just know were gonna have a bad weather. The last few years we have been lucky with cold temps but little snow and were due for a big snow winter.

The first picture is the Halloween candy for the kiddies Monday night. The second is one our Halloween props trying out our new guest bedroom mattress and the last is our good Halloween candy that I have already put a dent onto over the last couple days.


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