Saturday, October 01, 2005

Wartime Christmas........Medic!!!!!

AHHHHhhhhh!.....Christmas. It is fast approaching and takes me back when I was a youngen. I remember looking through the wish book. Seems like the toy section was about 50% of the 3 inch think catalog. I would lay on the floor on my belly with my elbows dug into the carpet and my chin in my palms gazing into the holy grail of toy catalogs. I would be there for what seemed like hours thinking of all the neat things I could do with the toys to make the world a better place to live. I imagine Steve Austin (the bionic man not the wrestler) coming to the rescue for some of my stuffed animals being enslaved by Skeletor (He-Man figure). Also the millennium falcon flying into danger to save the rebel base from the dark side of the force. I know some of the toys and cartoons of my younger days were a little on the violent side (Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry) but my recent gaze through the JCPenny, Christmas 2005 Big Gift Book page 426 to be exact, now tamed those memories to what the present offers in the lines of toys. I noticed on said page that there is a military dressed gentlemen kneeled down to another soldier wrapped in a stretcher with a transfusion of blood hanging at his side. The description in the catalog is this. 36 pc medical team with two 12" action figures. Two action figures with detailed uniforms, plus complete "med. kit" including stethoscope, pacemaker and more. Holy Crap! Maybe this is a conspiracy to get the younger generation used to the sight of blood because they maybe the ones to continue the war on terror that doesn't seem to be any closer to an end. "Hey Johnny wouldn't it be cool if your guy got shot and my guy had to do emergency heart surgery in the field." I don't remember GI Joe coming with a transfusion kit or stretcher. Maybe they should have a soldier with detachable arms and legs able to be blown off and false arms and legs to replace the ones the ravages of war has taken away, or even a small pouch in the abdomen that when you push it blood squirts out of the stump of the detached limb. Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion but I think the moral of this country is low, with the hurricanes and gas prices to the moon and the military toys is just a reminder to families of the love ones that will not be and may never be home for Christmas. Maybe the toy industry might come out with a new line of toys of hurricane victims with water logged houses and figures that come with looted items for the kids to play with. Now wouldn't that be a Merry Christmas. I think common sense is swirling the drain. Just another rambling of a simple man.

Picture above is the actual picture from the JCpenny catalog website.


emily said...

I used to play GI-Joes and He-Man...and not one of us ever lost a limb, or had an emergency blood transfusion. Kids don't need that.

Hi-I'm Emily. I saw your posts on Ragged's blog.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Every year I circled the Easy Bake Oven and every year my folks told me my brother would burn his hands in it, so to keep looking.

Emily, Please don't tell Cynical you played with He-Man figures, he will leave me immediately to find you.