Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Needles New Camera.

We have been knockin around the idea of getting a new camera for some time now. The Canon A70 has served us well over the last few years and we will still be using it, but we have been thinking of upgrading and tonight was the night. Since Needles had some extra cash to blow from her Fleece Fair Trip and she shot down buying some fiber combs, I think the updated tetanus shot recommendation may have had something to do with it, She thought now is as good a time as any. So she just put in the order for a new Canon A700. Now we get to anxiously await it's arrival. I can't wait to try it out and hear the simulated camera exposure sound when you press the button. I guess it is another camera manual to read.....hint hint Rudy. This new camera has twice the settings as our old one so I'm sure figuring out all the bells and whistles will be fun.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

I am green with envy.

FarmWife said...

Congratulations on your new arrival! She's a beaut! I love that they now make sutter sounds...there's something so satisfying about that click.

Jennifer said...

I so want a new one too! Like Ragged, I am green with envy.

Rudy said...

If you need help in figuring out the camera then you can call me and I will tell you to take my camera and stick it up your camera case. He he Looks cool and I cant wait to see the shots from it. Smooches Bro.