Friday, April 28, 2006

Weird Dreams & Drown Rats.

Yesterday when I got home I usually check the food and water bowl of our furry house mates. The food bowl was fine but the water bowl was a bit off. There was Copper's toy red mouse drowned in the water bowl. I don't know why Copper seem to like to add his toys to the food and water bowl but this has been a regular occurrence lately. We usually just fish it out of the bowl and go about our business. The other day Needles made another discovery. As you know the fetishes of our fuzzy friend this may not come to a shock. Apparently Copper wanted to add toys to another of his daily routine. The litter box. The food bowl, no problem, the water bowl, soggy but still no problem but when he poops on his toys, then it time to find a new favorite toy. Needles quietly discarded the blue ball and it was sent to the trash graveyard.
Copper has been throwing up several times a day over the last week. I am not sure what was going on with him but I have decided to take up their food during the day and at night and it has seemed to help. The last couple days I have been doing this, there has been no puke episodes. I think maybe he was over eating. We will see if this therapy helps the situation.
The other part of the title mentions weird dreams. I am not a lucid dreamer and I rarely remember anything at all from my dreams but last nights dream disturbed me enough to remember it the next morning. I dreamed we had a tornado touch down near the house. I remember walking out the front door and there are no houses left standing with in several blocks. I don't remember the condition of my own house but I clearly walk out of my house. I do however remember the garage is mostly gone. There was one walk standing and a clean slab of the concrete floor. The is more of a night mare than a dream but the weird part of it come in right now. I clearly remember being mad and upset. Not about the garage being gone or the neighborhood being destroyed, but that it was a work day and all three vehicles were missing and I had no way to get to work. You would think in a situation like this that work would be the last thing on your mind. Clearly I must have some mental issues but this discovery doesn't come as a great surprise. I hope tonight the dreams/nightmares stay in the background and I don't remember a thing.
I am hoping the rain holds off for some of the weekend, as Cynical & Ragged are coming up to join us at Old Settlers Days. I am hoping that we don't become drowned rats ourselves.

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