Saturday, April 01, 2006

Spring Time Saturday.

Today was a nice day. It could have been warmer and the sun could have shown more but otherwise a nice day. This morning we started off by running into town and doing a little grocery shopping. As I walked into the grocery store I noticed that there wasn't a lot of shopping carts in front of the store in the cart corral. It is at that time that I turned to ask a rhetorical question. "What day is it?" Of coarse it is the first day of the month, when every body and their dog is out shopping because government checks have been received. Let's just say I wasn't thrilled about the crowds of people in all the stores. We quickly ran up and down the isles throwing food item after food item in the cart in an attempt to get the heck outta there as soon as possible.

(shouting out food items as I ran.)
Me: Loaf of bread!
Needles : What kind wheat or white?
Me: No time to think about it, just grab one.
(Poof!) sound of loaf of bread being thrown into grocery cart.
Needles: Jar of spaghetti sauce!
Me: I got it!
(Poofffsmush!) sound of jar of spaghetti sauce landing on loaf of bread.
Me & Needles: CRAP!
Needles: I don't think were going to make it!
Me: Do we need any potato chips?
Needles: Don't forget the milk!
Me: I grabbed one that's half full.
Needles: That'll do...No time!
Me: RUN!


Isn't she a beaut!

Ok so maybe I am dramatizing the situation a bit but this is (based) on a true story with a few liberties to enhance the story.

After the grocery store we thought we would hit Wally World. We entered the store with our list of things we needed and left with those items plus several items that wasn't on the list....Like why do I need a can opener that has a digital clock on it? Or a hair brush with a dental floss dispenser in the end of it? I think that Wally World should be called Wacky World as I seem to loose my ever lovin mind and buy items that 99.9% of the population didn't need in the first place and the .01% that did need it, is insane...... Like me. I think it the way they present the item that makes you want to buy it. HEY, adult diapers 30% off. I don't need them right now, but I can't pass up a bargain like that. Throw'em in the cart. But watch out for my Spiderman glitter pen. It writes in magical sparkels. Dur!

After the fog of Wally World and for Needles B'day meal out, she requested Chinese. We hit the place at 11 am. This is the perfect time as they open at 10:30 am and the food is fresh. If you show up right at 10: 30 am the food is super fresh but they don't have all the items on the bar just yet. The food was magnificent and I made short work of my first plate thinking I would go back for more. I waited too long and that was all she wrote. I was miserable waddling out to the Jeep. If I had went back for the second plate Needles would have had to roll me out there. I thought we would stop by Ophelia's Cup for pre B'day treat for Needles, but was thwarted by the closed sign on the door. Apparently the O's C is closed for re modeling until next Wed. DRAT!

We returned home to put away our purchased items and relax a bit from the hussel n bussel of shopping on the first of the month. I hope to not relive that experience for awhile. I am just glad we made it home in one piece and got what we needed, an some we didn't. I did manage to get some lawn work done and Needles got to spend some time in her yarn room. Tomorrow we are going down to Needle's Mom for a B'day meal. My belly is still full of Chinese but I can hardly wait. Momma Needles puts on a good feed.


K_Dense73 said...

We've been averaging between 9 and 10 degrees warmer temperatures than in Sumner. It's nearly 70 here now with an anticipated high of 74 today.

Rudy said...

You forgot vrooomskreeeeech. Thats the sound the shopping cart makes when you are racing to the front and there is a big long line of the scariest people you every met in the only line open.

FarmWife said...

Hey, can I borrow your spider-man pen? I really need to write in magical sparkles! LOL