Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Cold: Day 3

I slept well last night to wake up to the 3rd day of the same headache. Still coughing and sinuses are congested. I checked my temp and it was 98.3 so I got ready for work. While getting ready I felt exhausted and the old familiar fever feeling was there. I checked it again just before I was getting ready to walk out the door and it was 99.3. It is hard to talk or go more than a few minutes without coughing. I think for all concerned I need to call it a no go. My cough is worse and my head feels like it's filled with concrete. With the weather we are supposed to get today it seemed everything was telling me to stay home. So here I set on the couch hoping today will be the last of this mess.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Hoping you feel better. Plenty of fluids and rest. . .