Thursday, March 06, 2008

Day 5: PM edition.

I thought I was on the upswing but around just after I posted this morning my temp began to rise again. I think it only hit 100.9 today so maybe a little improvement. I noticed that I broke into a sweat a lot today. Maybe this mean that I am making some progress. My temp finally dipped below 100 this evening and I think my body is adjusting to this constant fever because 99.9 doesn't feel too bad. 101 sucks and 102 give me a gun and let me end it. Its amazing what 1 degree or 2 will do. Needles prepared me some chicken noodle soup this evening and I could believe how good it tasted. It was the first time I had eaten anything substantial for almost 30 hours. I would like to think I am going to work tomorrow but I am not going to kid myself. If it works anything like today I should just accept that Monday I should be back to work. I have heard that the flu going around this year was an especially rough one and with first hand knowledge I can say that this one kicked my ass every way it wanted. I have had the 24 hour type flu but this 5 day to a week crap is rough. We will see what tomorrow brings. Thanks for all the well wishes and Cynical you might need to get those genitals looked at.

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

I was asking for Ragged. Maybe you should consider going to the MD.