Saturday, March 29, 2008

What a day.

Today Needles and I went to the BIG city to celebrate her upcoming B'day. We went to Roger's to get her ring it's 6 month inspection and cleaning. We also went to Joann's so Needles could pick up a few buttons for some sweater projects she was needing to "button up." After Joann's we 2 stepped next door to Lone Star for brunch as we didn't have breakfast. After we got our bellies filled we decided to do some shopping for our upcoming vacation. After a few fruitless stops we were driving through the parking lot to decide where next to go when we were rear ended by a guy in a Jeep Cherokee. We pulled up and I got out to survey the damage. We got a little scuffed paint in the shape of a license plate frame on the rear bumper but he got busted bumper plastic and a broken license plate holder. It could have been a lot worse. We got information and are wondering if we should turn it in. It's not that noticeable but we have only had the car a month and it just goes to show you can't have anything nice without some dumb ass messing it up. I may take the car to a local body shop and see what they can do and what the price will be to maybe buff it out. After this incident we were a bit upset but we decided to stop at a couple more stores and then made our way home. Lets just say that I am in no hurry to go to E'ville anytime soon.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, that sucks. Sorry you got bumped. Hope it's a big fix.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

You know I meant, hope it's NOT a big fix. My fingers often fail me. Sorry.

K_Dense73 said...

Minds me of when I had a brand spanking new Civic and it became the crash up derby car for all of our town. I got hit two or three times (ask Ragged about the settlement) and the car was finally totalled in a hail storm while I was in college. Newness invites chaos.

K_Dense73 said...

...but sorry for the bump. Don't give up on Evansville. Wander Indiana. Wander Indiana. Wander Indianaaaaaa...