Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sent home.

Today I woke up and got ready to go to work. Even though I felt like crap I thought I could tough it out. Today is day 4 of this illness and I am more than tired of it. I worked just fine with the occasional cough and running nose up until about 10:30am and then the chills hit. I am usually hot at work but today I wore my coat and was still shivering. I went to the E.R. and checked my temp. 98.6 I'm fine must be in my head. Then the dizziness hit again and one of my co workers said she was going to check it again. 99.5. It was then that my boss approached me and told me to go home. On the way home I felt waves of heat roll over me and my lips felt chapped like I was dehydrated. When I got home I checked my temp again and it was 101.7. I now think I have the flu. It isn't the stomach bug but the upper respiratory kind. I am thinking I am probably going to be home the rest of the week. I can't seem to shake this fever. My temp has been bouncing around 100.3 to 101 and I feel wiped out. I hate this.

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

Get well soon, Piloty.