Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Day Out And About.

Needelfingers and I just got back from placing some geocaches for a up coming party in late October. It was 56 degrees outside and Fall is definitely here. After we placed the caches we decided to drop by the outdoor market and check out the pumpkins on display. This is what we saw. Pumpkins of all sizes in all their orangey grandeur.
We then noticed the corn maze and thought neat. "How much to go in? $4 per person. Not quit that neat. You did however get a free $1 size pumpkin when you returned from your adventure in the maze. The lady said it takes the average adult 20 minutes to conquer the corn.
They also had a kids hay bail maze for free. We then purchased 3 pumpkins. One large, a medium and a red small. They looked like a happy family Needlefingers said. We then ate lunch and return home where Needlefingers has a chicken in the crock pot for a chicken and noodles supper. Here is another picture of the red/specialty pumpkins.

Have a great Fall weekend.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Hey, there will be a corn maze at the festival this weekend. Wanna try it? It will test all of your Macguyver skills.

Ramblin73 said...

Might have to take a chance at the maddening maze of mase.