Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Life according to "W"

Does everyone but me see the logic with "W's" pick for the Supreme court? Harriet Miers? She reportedly called "W" while in Texas the best governor ever.......I think not only does this woman not have clue. I think she needs physiological evaluation with a statement like that. By his logic I actually think he would let his car mechanic do brain surgery on him because he is a "Moral Person" and Heck, If he can keep my car running I figure he can keep my brain running too. Heh Heh! (John Stewart from the Daily Show impersonation "W" laugh) This is once again proof why the country is being ran so poorly. Multitudes of unqualified buddies running around the White House like it's one big Political Kegger. All I can say is come on 2008. Even if we do get another Republican in the White House at least it won't be "W". Surely the next one will do a better job....Heck it will take 4 years to undo the screw ups "W" has done. Sometime I think that since "W" thinks God speaks to him and he is doing Gods work. I wonder if what has happened in the world over the last several months, tsunami, earthquakes & hurricanes, isn't God trying to tell "W" Think Again W.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I agree - how could anyone do worse than GWB ? So much unnecessary death and suffering.