Saturday, September 17, 2005


Ahhhhhhhh camping. The single most past time that can restore your spirit and wear your ass out all at the same time. My first day at work was a little stressful, but I think I will manage. I am glad it was a slow day, so I could take my time with things. And I left there at 3:30pm. A far cry from those late night wanderings in from the previous job. Last night was a bit of a rat race. I left work to hurry and get our camper, as to get a good spot at the camp grounds. I get to where we store our camper and get the tarp off of it in record time, by myself, to find out…..I forgot to put the hitch on the truck. Now I have to go home and get it. After this incident I was sure that the only place to set up would be by the out houses. Lots of traffic, not so pleasant smells and noises, just not a good place to be. Imagine my surprise to finally get there and find a mostly vacant campground. We had our pick of spots. I chose the Goldie locks spot. Not too far and not too close to the bath house and modern restrooms, but away from most campers. After a extremely smooth setup of the camper, I commented “That went really smooth.” Just in time to realize we forgot to bring the drop cord for the power. So another trip back to the house. Aren’t we lucky we only live about 3 miles away.
As we started the campfire, we unpacked the food for last night’s supper. After the fire had burned for awhile it was ready for the hotdogs. We roasted the hotdogs and I devoured them as if they were the last scraps of food left on earth. After the meal I resigned to my camp chair and rubbed my full belly with the lethargy of digestion sweeping over me. It was quiet and dark and peaceful, then THUMP! Like a medium caliber gun being shot from about 100 ft. You could almost feel the thump in your chest it was so deep in tone. What was that? Where did it come from? Minutes later another, then awhile later another. We were being assaulted by some unseen foe. After a couple hours of this we finally found out what the sound was. I had conveniently selected a spot under a acorn tree. The late evening breeze must have knocked them out of the tree to cause extremely loud noises on the roof and canopy of the camper. It is now Saturday morning… (sometime) as I don’t wear a watch, I don’t know or care. My life before, days in and days out was on such a set schedule. After my last job I have decided not to wear one. Now I set in the smoke of our campfire from the night before. You know where ever you sit, it’s going to come that way. I think about how uncomfortable the bed was last night and how rude that nature’s little alarm clocks, acorns, with built in snooze, more acorns, woke me up this morning. Still it’s more pleasant than the alarm clock at home.

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