Saturday, September 24, 2005

Double Standards.

Its nice to know that a red state gets hand held through a disaster and a blue state gets the cold shoulder from the president. Maybe "W" isn't as dumb and I think he is, or appears on TV, or his SAT scores says he is but by golly he must have actually learned a lesson after Katrina killed possibly thousands. Too bad the same lesson can't be made elsewhere, but that's for another post. This should be a lesson to me....If a man looks like and idiot, speaks like and idiot and acts like an idiot...He must be the president of the United States. You gotta kind of wonder how other countries view Americans. Do that feel sorry for us, think were stupid, or even hate us because we, and by we I mean the living in their own fantasy world portion of the American population that actually voted for this idiot. Does he think that his hand holding in the second disaster in 3 weeks will make up for the bone-headed actions of the first. I know that even if "W" was in Louisiana standing in flood waters helping evacuees on a bus for safety probably wouldn't have changed the damage to New Orleans and the surrounding areas but I believe as the president he should have at least looked like he was interested in what was going on with the country that he was at the helm. Not setting at home on VACATION! Even if his @ss was at the White House it would have given more of a professional look and the impression that he was in charge and ready to do what was needed and not clearing the back forty. I guess it only makes sense that with the way his administration has been trying to connive and hypnotize the American people with misdirection, lies and redundant rhetoric that he is doing what is best for the country. This sound more like he is putting on a magic show when I think his profession would be best summed up as a clown in a circus. Also I have heard more that once on different stations about how "classy" the people are evacuating Texas. I don't know but this sounds like a back handed comment about what happened in Louisiana. If the people of Texas is so "classy" that happened to "W"? When they were handing out class he thought they said @ss and he said " No thanks I am already one."
Hopefully the American people will finally catch on that if at first you have a lump of crap and polish it for 4 years, it's still a lump of crap and 4 more years of polishing isn't going to make it look or smell any different.

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