Monday, September 26, 2005

Time To Relax.

I finally get to set down and put my sore feet up. I have been on the go since 6:30 this morning. Work went pretty smooth and only worked 30 minutes over. As I was leaving I noticed a friend having car trouble so I offered to follow him home to make sure the car didn't strand him. Got home a little after 4pm then changed clothes to mow out at my mother and fathers house. Got home from mowing about 6pm and discovered we had some pattern orders and only a few left in our pattern stash box. So after printing out 10 copies of the Which Way Do We Go? Shawl I was finally done and ready to relax. As I type smells of food are wafting from the kitchen as Needlefingers is fixing a late supper for us.
Kitty boy just walked through the living room with a wadded up paper ball in his mouth. Just goes to show if you spend money on a store bought toy for him, he snubs it and would rather play with something impromptu, like a ice cube that has dropped out of the fridge and on to the floor or a water bottle with paper clips inside. One of his most favorite toy is a length of sturdy chain about 3 Ft long. He acts like he is on crack when he sees or even hears it. We had to remove the toy as we were afraid he might break his teeth on the thing. Don't need to take fuzzy face to the kitty dentist.
It can be told that Fall is here and soon winter will be nipping at our noses. The leaves are starting to change hue and fall to the earth. I enjoy Fall and I think it is my favorite time of year. I am able to wear by bulky clothes that show less of my manly figure. Also Fall means it is almost Halloween.

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