Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Chain of Idiots..

I tried and tried not to get political on this blog....To keep it light and enjoyable but dam_ it! Does anyone else feel like our country is being run by a bunch of brain dead frat boys. I have nothing against fraternities but usually the young men that leave those establishments grow up and at least try to become fine, upstanding, responsible people. What the H-E-double hockey stick happened to these guys??? First of all when money is a chief motivating factor in gaining control of the country you know things are going to heck in a hand basket. I guess I was nieve and thought that people get into politics to better the country for the people. Not change the laws and put all your croanies into positions to make as much money while screwing everything else up. Has any other president in the history of the democratic United States of America done so much harm in so little time. You wonder if this administration can do anything right. War on terror--- lost support after Opps! No weapons of mass destruction. Patriot Act--- no law in recent times has done more to strip us of our human rights pre 9/11 than this has. Now hurricane Katrina--- Cluster Fu_k. I'm not sure if this administration has the brains to bag my groceries much less run the U.S. I remember then "W" first came to the presidency thanks to brother Jeb. I had reservation since he wasn't a bright man anyway. My republican friends told me that "He might not be the smartest man in the world but he will surround himself with smart people... Get the best information from those people and make a intelligent decision..." I knew they were republican zombies just regurgitating the propaganda that had been beat like a drum into there skulls. Just look at how press releases and public speeches are delivered. The redundant repeating of phrases and words as to try to hypnotis the weak minded and the majority of republicans fall right into that category. I'm not the smartest man in the world and never made claim to be, but if I am standing in field of crap and "W" told me I was standing in a field of flowers...OOOH about 300 times, If I walked out I don't think it is flowers stuck to the bottom of my shoe, I think its this administrations policies. I need a aspirin... Its gonna be a long wait to 2008.


K_Dense73 said...

Sometimes I want to drive my car into any vehicle that has the "W" bumper sticker.

Ramblin73 said...

I don't know if I would trash my car for something like that. I seen some bumper stickers that would better explain the current situation. It said "F" the president.