Monday, September 26, 2005

What Can Brownie Do For You?

I'm outraged that FEMA rehired ole Brownie to be a consultant on the crappy job he did on Katrina. It's a sad state of affairs when you screw up a job so bad that they have to hire you as a consultant to get your perspective on how you did what you did so badly. This must be the "here's how not to coordinate a natural disaster response." lesson and how to learn from it. Just another one of this administrations lackys in a position of great importance without a clue. That pretty much sums up the whole administration by there recent track record. Maybe ole Brownie needs to find another line of work. Possibly delivering packages on the Arabian horse, but I'm not so sure he wouldn't screw that up also. This administration has tried so hard to prove to the people that it is upstanding and doing what's best for America only to turn around and in plain site prove to everyone that it's doing just the opposite without any excuses. You would think that with the Republicans majority in the house and the senate that his pet projects and every thoughtless whim would be passed without trouble. It just goes to show that even his own political party is surprised and guarded by his acts of idiocy. Just another rant from a democrat that's tired of the lies and incompetence.

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