Thursday, November 03, 2005

Movie Magic

If you read the blog a couple days ago you might have noticed a little comment about going to the movies and how Needles and I don't go any more. Most people think of going to the movie is a romantic time of enteratinment and pleasure.....For me it makes me cringe just thinking about it. I would much rather what until the DVD comes out and watch it as much as I want in the comfort and quiet of my own home. Theses are the reason I don't go to the movies.
  1. Uncomfortable seats, My legs go numb after just 30 minutes in a theatre seat.
  2. Crappy seating, Get there late and after the movie you have to be fitted with a neck brace.
  3. Sticky floors, I don't know how many gallons of soda has been spilled to cause the fly paper like substance on the floor.
  4. Expensive food, I don't want to mortgage my house for a large popcorn and soda.
  5. People who set behind me kicking or putting there feet on the back of my set, I don't want to go to jail and this is an issue with me. Maybe I need anger management.
  6. People who talk or ask questions while the movie is going, leave it to me to find a seat or be set close to by the one person who is clueless about plot lines and lacks sufficient brain power to follow what is going on. It's a movie shut the %&#@ up.
  7. People who morgaged the house to purchase candy which is in a loud impenetrable wrapper that takes them an hour to open.
  8. Same morgaged people with candy that drops candy and it goes skittering down the floor under the seats, I am surprised it skitters as I would think the fly paper floor would stop it.
  9. People who set within 50 ft of me that have to comment loudly about what's going on in the movie. If I had a large stick at this time....I would be in jail.
  10. People who have to get up and skwench by you several times during the movie. I think these people are either starving to death or have a bladder the size of a thimble. People eat before you go to the movies. Get snacks before the movie. If you can't hold your water for more than 3o minutes, get a catheter or lay off the gallon of soda you drank before the movie.
Maybe my problems is being around people.....Or maybe inconsiderate people. I know I am anti-social at times but things like this make me more so. I enjoy setting at home in my comfy chair with my store bought snacks and home brewed tea watching a DVD in peace and quiet and I avoided jail time.....It works for me.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Here's how I get around the people thing: I go during the week. The pesky teens are at home and generally I have the theater all to myself and my movie buddy. Love it!

I agree about the uncomfortable chairs and sticky floors, but have you ever tried to get Cynical to sit through an entire movie at home? Not gonna happen.