Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Not So Crappy Tuesday.

Today was better but not by a whole lot. My leg was looking better this morning but this evening it has a brownish green tinge area about the size of my palm. It looks like the color of a resolving bruise. It didn't bother me as much today, but now that I am home, it is itching again. After work today I remembered that I forgot to take my antibiotic at lunch so I thought I would pull a Cynical and stop at the golden arches for a McRib. I haven't had one for years, and I wasn't sure how it would be. For one thing it took way too long to get it. I think they had to slaughter the kangaroo, but when I did get it, it was fresh and blazing hot. Of course I ate it while I drove home and burned my mouth on the searing hot sauce but I am not one for over dramatics but maybe if I smashed it in my lap it would have been worth a million or two. That's a joke on frivolous lawsuits. When I got home I had a couple of messages on the answering machine. One was Needles setting bored at work awaiting the start of her night class and the other was a lady I haven't talked to in a few years. She had called to offer me a job at a local imaging center. I had to turn her down as I like what I am doing at the moment but I thanked her for asking me. It would be about twice as much money but about 3 times as much headache as the job I have now. Money isn't everything.
Needles and I are perplexed by our Fuzzy friends recent playtime activity. He has recently been excavating poo out of his litter box onto the floor. This is not the strange thing. It looks like he has been playing with it. We have found the little brown Tootsie Rolls of fun several feet from the litter box. Again I think he is clearly short bus. We try to encourage good activities and not to reward bad habits but I am at a loss with this one. Maybe he is psychic and relating to me the only way he knows how, just how my week has gone so far. CRAPPY!


K_Dense73 said...

Tell me more about the McRib.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

You boys love your McRibs.