Thursday, February 02, 2006

Copper is home!

Copper came home today. He still isn't up to par but he is doing better. If you roll a rattle ball in front of him he tracks it with interest even if he doesn't have the oomphf to pounce. Yesterday he would have just kept his eyes closed. He is on antibiotics and still has a bit of a cough but is doing better. The ladies at the vet kept calling him a she and stating she so pretty, only to realize their mistake and saying he's too pretty to be a boy. Since I had to stay late at work, Needles picked him up. I had to stay late at work tonight thanks to a MVA (motor vehicle accident) that came in about the time I was getting ready to leave. I ended up staying over 2 hours because it was multiple victims. I might say it was an interesting day as we heard about an incident that happened about 40 miles away. A 80 year old man was mauled to death by a 400 pound black bear. This is something you just don't hear about in our neck of the woods. Apparently he was the caretaker of a petting zoo which housed 2 black bears. One got out and the man was attempting to round him up. Unfortunately things didn't work out and the man was mauled and later died in the helicopter on the way to the hospital. I do know more details of the incident but will keep them to myself for the squeamish.


K_Dense73 said...

I hope Copper gets well soon.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Poor Copper. He can stay home all day and watch his "program" and eat wet food.

(Whenever we were sick we had to stay home with my mom's mom and we'd watch her "programs". Translation: soap operas.)