Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Gasoline Gamble.

I was hit with an idea of a post today as I received a call from my boss in Las Vegas. She had mentioned that the first day they were there they had some luck, but the next day was a bust. My brother and sis-in-law just returned from the Casino Aztar with their pockets emptier than when they left. My recent thought and grip was with gasoline. Mind you, I have been to Las Vegas and it kicked my @ss and I came home more then empty handed. Lets just say cash advances on a credit card. Not smart. I returned home with only change in my pockets. My trip took me six months to pay off. As a child good luck was never on my side. When my brother and I were young boys at home we fought who was going to be the first one to get a bath or shower before going to bed at night, so we flipped a coin to preserve the furniture, our health, and my parents sanity. Needless to say I lost what seemed like 90% of those coin tosses, so you would think I would have better sense than to go to Vegas. Wrong. Anyway, back to my previous thought of gasoline and gambling. If you are like me you drive past a gasoline station every day. Probably several of them and with the higher prices of gasoline theses days, "W's" fault, I glance at my partially filled gas tank and wonder if I need to fill up or if the gas prices will go up or down before I drive back by this evening. The luck of the coin toss has continued with this recent gas gambling endeavor. I usually drive by the gas station in the morning with around 1/4 tank of gas and think, this evening when I drive by I will fill up, only to find that the gas price has shot up not a few cents but a dime per gallon. This is how my luck and fill up schedule goes.

Day/ Tank Condition /Gas prices

Gasoline was @ 2.24 for several days

Monday/ 1/4 tank /$2.24 per gallon
Tuesday/ Fill Tank /$2.24 per gallon
Wednesday/ Partial Full /$2.15 per gallon (SURPRISE!)
Thursday/ Partial Full /$2.15 per gallon
Friday/ 3/4 Tank /$2.15 per gallon
Saturday/ 3/4 Tank /$2.09 per gallon
Sunday/ 1/2 Tank /$2.09 per gallon
Monday/ 1/2 tank /$2.09 per gallon
Tuesday/ 1/4 Tank /$2.18 per gallon
Wednesday/ 1/4 Tank /$2.18 per gallon
Thursday/ 1/8 Tank /$2.18 per gallon
Friday/ 1/8 Tank /$2.18 per gallon
Saturday/ Fumes /$2.18 per gallon
Sunday/ Fill Tank /$2.18 per gallon
Monday/ Partial Full /$2.09 per gallon (FIGURES!)

I think they should put a pull handle on the gas pump, like a slot machine, and what ever the price of gas pops up, that's what you pay per gallon. I doesn't matter I would still pay the highest price.

When the gas prices do this it pisses me off. You would think that I should try to outwit the system by filling up at half a tank. It doesn't matter the gas gods seem to know when I am thinking about filling up and jack the prices accordingly.

Don't get me started on how when I pull in to get gas and have to go in to pay there is no one in the gas station. By the time I get my tank full every one and there dog is in there. Usually someone is at the counter buying cigarettes with pennies or trying to use hand gestures to tell the person behind the counter where their brand of smokes are on the shelf behind the attendee. But this is a rant for another post.


FarmWife said...

My favorite gas station incedents occur when I'm buying a Coke and a 70 year old woman in front of me is spending her entire retirement fund on Lottery tickets. One time she spent $25 on tickets only to win $5. She was thrilled about the $5!

Brando said...

I have to agree with Pilot I ALWAYS miss the gas lowering and get the gas raising.

Last time we were in KY with the in-laws I woke Rudy and told him I had a really bad dream. Wanting to comfort me he said what was it?
My reply "I dreamed Gas was $3.34."

He said he dreamed of tornatos and I dream of rising gas prices.

BTW Mine is more likely to come true!

Rudy said...

Brando and Pilot. Two of a kind. You would think I would get some preminition that things are going up of down but NOPE. The prices bite me also. Oh well I guess I will have to get used to gripes all around. I also blame W for the fact that my A$$ is getting bigger too.