Monday, January 09, 2006

AHHHHH!......To nap.

This morning while we were getting ready for work before it was daylight, Needles and I discussed that this evening we were going to take a nap. Yes, we have said it before and it didn't happen. Usually we would get home and find things to do or shows to watch on T.V. that would take the scheduled nap off our lists of things to do. Today however was different. I think as soon as Needles walked through the door we were both on the same page. Are we gonna nap? I asked. Needles said Yep. So after supper we turned off everything in the house except the heater for the kitty to continue baking his brains and strolled into the bedroom for a much anticipated nap. After a couple hours we got up and felt somewhat refreshed. Nothing like a nice nap to recharge your batteries.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Sleep. . . it does a body good.

FarmWife said...

Enjoy your naps for those of us who can never seem to get one!

Jennifer said...

I often wake up in the morning thinking about when is the soonest I can take a nap. Your and Needles napping strategy is genius!