Tuesday, January 24, 2006

And The Hits Just keep On Comin.

Yesterday while at work I received a phone call form my sis in law. She stated that my brother was laying on the floor in the bathroom and that he had hit his head. Apparently he had hurt his back while picking up my chunk of a niece about a moths ago and has had some back trouble off and on ever since. While lifting something out of the back of his truck he threw his back out. The next day he had an appointment with a chiropractor and was in the bathroom getting ready for his appointment. He thought he would try to stand up straight. When he did the pain was so intense he passed out and fell and hit his head on the tub. After he fell he couldn't get back up because of his back so his wife called me to ask what to do. I told her that if he couldn't get up to get in the car that she needed to call the ambulance and take him to the E.R. About 30 minutes later they arrived in the E.R. She was able to get her brother and a friend to wrestle him into the truck to take him to the hospital. After a CT scan of his head was normal....Well as normal as it can be for him, he was given some medication for his back and told released to see his regular physician the next day. He seems to be doing better but I wonder if the universe has it out for my family. I told the people at work that if I go down sometime during the day, to just kick me aside and just keep working. My boss assured me that this would not be the case. She said that they would prop me up so that I could continue to work. Now that's love.


K_Dense73 said...

Tell your brother to get well soon. Having your back go out is the worst. Then, topping it off with a blow to the noggin. Forget about it!

FarmWife said...

Changing the topic, but aren't congratulations in order? What is it, 9 years now of bliss with Needlefingers?