Sunday, January 08, 2006

Crate Them All And Let The Vet Sort Them Out.

Today we visited Needles Mom and had lunch there. As with most Sundays we visit, eat and discuss the past, present and future. Lots to discuss as Needles Mom lets call her "L" is getting prepared mentally and emotionally for heart surgery this Fri. I have to admit that I find myself abit anxious too. One of the stories "L" told was remembering the time she crated one of her (2) black cats to go for a check up at the vet only to find out that once she got there she took the wrong one. It is hard to tell between the nearly identical black cats. One is male and the other female but at a glance it is impossible. The only true way for me to tell which is which is to go up to the kitty and rub them. The look on there face will speak volumes. Spooky just barely opens his eyes and relinquishes to the rubbins set upon him. Charcoal however looks at you with a wide eyes and a suspicious look as though I have just tried to kidnap her or something. The hierarchy and levels of rank is very strong with the felines in the house. Gabby is head honcho by far but she is very gripy. Don't even try to give her rubbins while another kitty is in the room. She will protest loudly every rub she gets until you stop or she bats at you and runs off. I said runs maybe more like waddles. She's a big girl. With all that goes on between the chain of command, it's quite comical and different from our own small pride. There is not question to who runs the roost at MY house. Tugger hands down.......... I know my place.
The picture above is where Tugger aka Fuzzy Face like to pass the day popping brain cells by the warmth of the heater.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Our cats are so silly that they sit in front of the heater even when it isn't running.