Sunday, January 15, 2006

Home Alone...

I received a call from Needlefingers that she made it back up to Indy. She got about 2-3 miles from the hospital and got caught up in all the post playoff game traffic. I think she said it took her about 30 - 45 minutes to go that last 2 - 3 miles. She finally got there and went to see her Mom. I will be updated tomorrow. While we were in Indy we stayed mostly inside as the Hotel and Hospital is joined by a skywalk. We ate at the Hospital cafeteria in the mornings and ordered out in the after noon.(Chinese and Papa John's Pizza) We did venture out to the Crawford Bakery for lunch one day but for the price it was nothing special. We did get 4 lemon bars togo and got a free angel food cake. Saturday night I had to call Hotel security as the people next door was fighting and slamming doors and making all sorts of noise. I swear if I didn't know any better I think that I am plagued with total strangers that are idiots and have NO social graces or sense. I think these people need to be quarantined. I think this is fates test to see if this is the day I go to jail for killing someone with my own hands. I guess I'm just not ready to go....YET! We Needles and I made comment of the other people in the waiting room. There were 4 of them in all their white trash, inbreed glory. The one young man was spouting off Adam Sandler quotes so that the whole room could here obscenities and all. The I think his lover/wife/sister made a inappropriate comment about how she has 3 kids but was still a virgin. Where in the #%@& do these people come from????? Yes there is a time and a place for expletives but NOT in a hospital waiting room. To help you get a visual He was late 20's about 4ft tall 180 pounds and talked like a 7 year old boy. She was mid 30's about 300 pounds and 5'9" and her voice sounded like she had smoked a carton a day since she was 10. The only reason I think they were together is the comment she made about she would have more kids if he had anything to say about it. Luckily the only good information that came out of her mouth was that she had been surgically sterilized. Sound like it was 3 kids to late. Yes I am being mean but they made me and the other people in the waiting room mad. We were all there concerned about a loved one in a time of high stress and we have something like that to deal with. One family of about 10 people walked out and I guessed complained because the patient advocate came in and asked me if I was bothered by the people in the waiting room. I was hoping that they would kick them out but they just spoke with them and they were somewhat quiet the rest of the time. I did hear some obscenities but they were not as loudly spoken. Needless to say we are all glad that the ordeal is over with and that Needle's Mom is on the mend. Sorry about the post but I had to vent.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Vent away. . . that's what blogging is all about.