Sunday, January 22, 2006


Yesterday I resigned to do nothing. I mean nothing. I didn't even get out of the house. Needles went to the local video rental place and picked up a couple movies. She rented The Brother's Grimm. It was O.K. I don't think I would watch it again. If you wanted to kill a couple hours watch it but otherwise if you would rather watch the grass grow or paint dry go for it. She also picked up Millions. Which I am not sure why its called millions unless they adapted the fact that billions here is different than billions in England to millions and I still think the name is wrong. It should have been named Hundreds of Thousands. It was a cute movie. The children actors made me believe the part and there emotions seemed genuine. The camera work had some interesting shots and the quirkiness of English culture is a hoot at times. " At Christmas time everyone is burgled." We also watched a movie I had bought in the past as Needle's Mom haven't seen it. It was Fantastic Four, I guess it is good since I have seen it about 4 times now. We also watched Madagascar. A cute funny movie but it seemed to lack the punch of other animated movies in the recent past. ie. Finding Nemo, Iced Age. The one part of the movie that sticks out in my brain and I will be singing it over the next few days is the "I Like to Move It..Move It" Song. The dancing lemures was great. We also watched Second Hand Lions. It is very good and I highly recommend it. I have seen it a couple times and would watch it again. Robots has been out for awhile and finally got to see it. The cutest and best part of the movie was in the first 5 to 10 minutes then Robin Williams character enters and the rest is shot. I can't stand Robin Williams anymore. I did like him in select rolls. Aladdin, Good Will Hunting, Millennium Man and maybe Good Morning Vietnam. I just can't tolerate the manic nature of his performance. After Needle's Mom went to bed we watched White Noise. I rank scary movies tougher than other types of movies and this one should have never been made. It is a interesting concept and maybe the book was spookier but this movie had potential and it fell flat. I have to say one of the creepiest scary movies I have seen somewhat recently was The Grudge. A Japanese scary movie adapted for American audience and it did so nicely. If you haven't seen it watch it late at night with all the lights off in the house and only the flicker of the T.V. don't forget a blankie. Heh Hee!
Today we are going down to Needles Mom's place for her to refresh supplies and to make sure the house is still there. She will be returning home with us later as she has to get some more labwork done and she cannot drive herself to the hospital yet. I have to change the oil in the Jeep sometime today. The first half of the weekend has seemed to go quick. Time flies when you are having fun I guess.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

I love Julian- self proclaimed King of the Lemurs. You haven't seen anything until you've seen a 2 year old dance to "I like to move it, move it!"
"All Hail the New York Giants!"