Sunday, January 29, 2006

We will survive...

Well it as a little rough but we survived the first night. First things Needles saw getting up this morning was Copper on the recliner snoozing away. As you might now we are a bit on the unusual side and don't allow fuzzy people on the furniture or tables. We have had some success with this plans but have had a few set backs. I am currently training Copper to stay off the furniture. Before when I was training Tugger to do so, I was at home most of the time and could correct his behavior. I don't feel like I will be so successful with this one. He has just jumped onto my lap while I have been typing this blog entry about 5 times. I tell him "NO" in a stern voice and place him back on the floor. After he got tired of jumping on me he decided to jump into the other recliner. I quickly removed him and placed him on the floor as before. I guess he decided to give up and lay on the floor. He is currently sacked out on one of Needles bags of yarn. If he gets into it Oh Well she's been warned. Tugger has been having a rough go of it these last few days. I am sure he is stressed and doesn't know exactly what's going on. He has relapses into some bad behavior I think mostly for attention. I did manage to give him some rubbins in the back room but when Copper entered the room he started making weird noises. After a few more rubbins he spun around smacked my hand with claws out and gave me the stink eye. I think this is going to take some time. A little while later while walking into the back room he ran and jumped on the freezer. This is Tugger language for you may rub me now. I approached cautiously as to not be dooped. As I got closer he stretched his little neck to rub his head in my hand. I think he is settling down some but it will still be a few days before I see any improvement in his temperament. Wish me luck in my endeavor.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I cannot wait to pet that cat. Instill good habits now, before you know it, it's too late. Trust me!