Monday, January 30, 2006

Monday Monday.

Today was heck. I would still be at work if it wasn't for the slave labor in the office. (students)I did finally get out of there around 3:45 and made my way home. Tugger has finally relaxed abit around Copper. I actually saw them sniffing each others noses without and hissing and darting about. Copper seems to not like the dry kitten chow we got for him so I got some sliced ham fro the fridge and he nearly bit my fingers as I trying to tear it up into small pieces. I then went to our local grocery store and got him some soft food. I am trying to fatten him up. He looks bigger than he really is with his fluffy coat, but when you pick him up you can feel his ribs and back bone. He has had a coughing spell yesterday and again today. He plays, naps, purrs and eats so I am not too concerned but if this keeps up he will be going to the vet for a check up. I think he had a difficult time getting food at the Humane Society because he was the smallest kitty in the bunch. The rest of them seemed to lay about and not be interested in me but this little guy was the life of the room. He was the first kitty I saw entering the room and I don't think he left my field of view the whole time. He jumped climbed and clambered to stay with me and in direct sight. I have to say he worked hard for his adoption and He is adorable. We just heard a load bang coming from the bathroom. Copper just knocked the soap dish on the side of the tub on the floor. I feel this is just the start of kitty curiosities.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

He's so adorable and fluffy.

musicgeek said...

What a pretty little ball of fluff! My Zippy is on the other end of things, *cue up "Circle of Life" song* so it's fun to see a little kitten just starting out in a good home.

K_Dense73 said...

As a hardy talk show host lesbian once said, cutey patooty.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I hear you have actual kitty furniture now. Like I said, all of our furniture is kitty furniture