Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Good Riddance 2005!

Maybe it's ill to talk about the dead and dyeing but 2005 is coming to an end and all I can say is Good Riddance. With everything that has happened this year in the world, it seemed like a whole lot more bad things happened than good. I hope this isn't a trend. With the tsunami aftermath and hurricanes and bird flu and huge job losses and "W" reinauguration and earthquakes and London bombings and the death of the Pope and well you get the idea. Maybe they are the only things that stick out in my memory. This maybe because bad things seems to be the only things the News covers. This is why I don't watch the News much these days. There is something to be said for being in the know and updated about current events but it just too damned depressing to hear bad news day after day after day. We did have some good things like a half ass successful trip by the Space Shuttle Columbia to the International Space Station.....But that's about it. Over all I think 2005 left us in the red.

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