Sunday, December 25, 2005

On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day...

This is Christmas Kitty 2005 (Gabby) No trip to Needles Mom's house would be complete with out aggravating her with a picture. Notice she is at her favorite spot. The food bowl.

Well another Xmas has come and is about gone. We spent last night at Needles Mom's and I got up around 8:00am. Yes, I was holding up Xmas. A soon as I got up we sorted the gifts and Needlefingers opened hers first. She received all sorts of sheepy type items and I received several nice gifts. At around noon the Uncle's rolled in and the feast commenced. I made a damn pig of myself. I ate enough turkey to put down an elephant. As we sat around the table done with our food and was chatting of goings on in the world of present and past, I kept nibbling little bits of turkey picked of during the casual conversation. After a couple hours of this enough was enough....I told Needles that after I finished the little bit of turkey I had just pulled off, to not let me eat any more. That if I reached for the turkey again to punch me right in the face and knock my @ss right out of the chair. I did get up after finishing the little tid bit of turkey and walked away from the table to avoid the temptation. Shortly thereafter we packed up our things to head North and have Xmas with my family. We started Xmas part 2 at 5:00pm. My belly was still somewhat full of turkey but did you think that would stop me. Oooh Hail Naw.... I dove into the chili and cheese sandwiches like I hadn't eaten in a week. I quickly noticed the inability to breath properly. Short shallow breathes was the way to go as my abdomen was distended in holiday contentment.....Well in would have been contentment if it hadn't been so painful. After about 30 or so minutes of pain the food finally settled and I began to feel better as wave after wave of sleepiness hit. I fought through them and continued to finish off the peanut butter pie dessert. Yum! After that we removed ourselves to the living room to open gifts and visit with one another. After that we returned home to put our gifts away and set back and rub our stomachs until time to go to bed. That time is quickly approaching and Needles is already sacked out in the recliner. I hope every one had a nice Xmas. I know I ate too much but what else is new.

2005 gifts recieved
  1. camo shirt
  2. Jeep sweatshirt
  3. 2 M*A*S*H t-shirts
  4. Drimmel tool
  5. peanuts
  6. chocolates
  7. Star Wars Trilogy on DVD
  8. OCC stein
  9. staple gun w/staples
  10. shoes
  11. loungy pants
This is a kind of abbreviated list. I got more stuff but just can't think of it right now. I must have been a good boy this year. ;)


Ragged Around the Edges said...

And a good time was had by all. Sounds filling and fun.

Jennifer said...

Good Christmas swag + full belly = sucessful holiday.

I could actually hear Needles giggle when I read about you telling her to knock you on your be-hind if you tried to eat more turkey.

K_Dense73 said...

Merry Christmas and thank goodness it's over!