Saturday, December 17, 2005

Walker Texas DUMBASS!

As you can see old "W" has been up to some tricks.....Honesty???? That's unusual coming from this administration. Unfortunately he is now being honest on how he has weaseled our freedoms away from us in the name of protecting us. By his theory the more freedoms his administration takes away from us the safer we are. It seem that "W" authorized the NSA ( National Security Agency) to eavesdrop in on all over seas phone calls. I'm sure the soldiers over there feel safe in the fact that there phone calls home to their love ones were monitored, recorded and probably transcribed and put their record of service. Maybe I am blowing this abit out of proportion but I wouldn't put it past this administration. Imagine soldiers who rock the boat or voice the opinion about the war on their phone calls home might be suddenly relocated to an area of higher risk.....After all if the soldier doesn't make it home he can't spread the truth about what this war was started for in the first place. To make the president and everyone around him richer and to get rid of daddies "little" screw up. I just wonder with the sudden honesty from the republicans that it is a attempt to mop up some of "W's" mess to make plans and give the next republican candidate a chance at the White House. I guess they are making an attempt at it at the expense of making "W" look like a dumbass.......Weeellll it looks like they are a little late in that respect.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am posting this comment on our brand, spanking new Dell Inspiron B130. Can you hear us giggling?

K_Dense73 said...

When I make a mistake, I do things to rectify it. Notice nobody said: "Since we went in under a false premise, now we're going to pull out". And the worst part of it all is that many Americans won't notice how wrong it is.