Monday, December 12, 2005

A Night of Friends and Food.

Tonight Jenny from the Blog came over to eat and spend time with us. Needles and Jen discussed knitting projects and plans orders of yarn and bamboo needles. I just eat and fuzzy up the cat. I was however amazed that the tree was still standing this morning and even more so that it was still standing this evening when I got home from work. Needles was good to not look at the package on the porch this evening. It was a Xmas present for her and the return address would have gave away what was inside. She assured me she didn't peek. After confirming the contents of the package, I quickly wrapped it after I got home and crammed it under the tree. Jennifer was gracious enough to stop by Ophelia's Cup and pick up some coffee for us to brew and snack on sugar cookies. This has turned into a very relaxing evening of friends and food.

The ornament pictured is for Ragged as my favorite ornament. It is the Star Trek Klingon Bird of Prey ship. I think because the light on the front of it flashes and I like flashy lights. Eurk!


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Sounds like the perfect evening!

Love the ornament!

Jennifer said...

I always have fun at the Whitney-Renshaw household! I get fed well and taken care of in general.