Monday, December 19, 2005

He Strikes Again...

It was a cold December evening. The grass was crisp under foot and the breath bellowed out of mouths much like chimney tops. The time was 3:47pm and I had just arrived home from work to find this in the floor. I know the site is gruesome. Divert you eyes a crime has been committed. It appears this poor soul fell from a great high of about 3 1/2 Ft of so by the position of the body. It appears as though the assailant has various curved weapons used to subdue his victim while he kicked the stuffins out of it. After the ornament coroner arrived to pronounce the body, I removed it to the ornament examiner to make sure the criminal didn't return to continue his sick entertainment. Oh yes! I say entertainment because you can tell this is the work of a professional and he gained pleasure in the molestation of this ornament. With 5 more days til Xmas I hope that we don't find any more victims. It is scaring to sleep under the same roof with a ornament molester. Wish us luck.
Note to self......It tough to draw chalk outlines on carpet.....


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Do you have enough evidence to make an arrest?

Ramblin73 said...

We are hot on the trail of this offender....

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Let me know when you "take him down". Remember everyone deserves his/her day in court