Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Weather Outside Is Frightful!

Well....Its not really that bad. We are currently getting some snow and we have 3 - 4 inches of snow with a nice glaze of ice underneath. Today was the busiest day of the week so far. You would think with the bad weather that most people with a lick of sense in the head would stay home. Oh Hail No! I think they believe the weather is bad so I will go get my ankle X-rayed that's been hurting for 6 weeks. What the F#&K! Of course ER was busy and the walk in and scheduled patients had to wait but don't try to explain that to them. Most patients think they are the only ones needing something. I don't mind explaining why a patient has to wait because of an emergency but it is another thing when after you explain the situation to them that they are rude anyway. I wish in situations like that I could just say "If you don't like it then get the f*ck out!" But of course I am in the health care field and I have to be overly apologetic and kill them with kindness when inside I am enraged by their comment and would like to stomp a hole in there backside. I'm not bitter....Nooooo. My boss sent most of the help home today due to the white stuff. I couldn't resist getting the Jeep sideway when I was driving down the road in front of the house. It was nice to have a little fun after the days frustration.

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