Thursday, December 22, 2005

Thursday went quick.

Today went very quick. We had a Semi vs. Semi come in and we were busy. Soooo busy no one in our department got lunch. I did however get to leave a little after 3pm so I stopped off at Wally World to do a little last minute goody shopping for Needlefingers. I also got to stop off at a friends house to visit and catch up on goings on. I wished him a Happy Holidays and finally made it home around 6pm. With lots to do at home and Needles Mom staying with us tonight because of her appointment tomorrow at Indianapolis. Tonight I did a load of laundry (socks) and also made a Holy Cow cake for our carry in tomorrow at work. If you don't know what a Holy Cow cake is let me describe it . Chocolate cake in 13"x9"cake pan with holes poked in it with a straw every couple inches. After that you mix 1 can of sweetened condensed milk and caramel topping and drizzle over cake while warm out of the oven. Crush up 2 Butterfinger candy bars and sprinkle over the top. (Freeze candybars before crushing) Then mix Cool Whip topping and Philly Cream Cheese and spread over the top of the cake and finish off with 2 more crushed Butterfinger bars sprinkled over the top. There you have it Holy Cow cake. Enjoy and try not to drift off into a sugar coma afterward. It is very rich......
Fun thing happened tonight with Fuzzy Face... Since he likes to be nosy and investigate guests shoes and other belongings. While Needles and I were in the kitchen fixing the cake we heard an awful noise and looked over just in time to see Fuzzy barreling under the kitchen table with Needles mom's purse strap wrapped around his neck and the purse bouncing up and down behind him. If the legs of the table hadn't knocked the purse off of him I am sure he would be miles from here. He ran through 3 rooms with the purse chasing him. We laughed after we found out what exactly happened. Short bus......With out a doubt. Or a unsuccessful pick pocket with his recent criminal activity. We will be keeping a eye on our purses and wallets.

Notice the traumatized body position of Tugger after his frightening ordeal. We think he is a boneless cat with some of the positions he seems to like to lay around.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Man, I gotta have me some of that cake. MMMMMM.

musicgeek said...

I'm gonna make that cake somtime SOON.

K_Dense73 said...

Sammy got a Wal Mart sack stuck on his head once. He ran all over the place and eventually ended up under the bed where I crawled under and removed it. He was wild and it frightened the other cats too. Kitty cats were fleeing in every direction. Good times. :)

You girls and your cake. *shakes head*