Friday, December 23, 2005

Start The 3 Day Weekend.

Today was a nice day other than the fact that we were slow all day EXCEPT for the hour we scheduled our Department Xmas party. I think I agree with Cynicals previous post title of DAMN YOU MURPHY! We were getting everything out and ready for our party after a very slow morning of not much of anything and the BLAMO! Three patients came from one of the clinics and had multiple exams ordered. If they would have been there an hour earlier no problems but of course they show up at almost noon. To add inconvenience to the equation they were in an accident some three weeks ago and suddenly decide to get checked out today of all days. OH! Did I mention they were from Florida.....Florida! What the heck. I think there was a conspiracy to ruin our Xmas party because as it went we had to do it in shifts instead of every one being able to eat and visit and exchange gifts. My boss got me microwave popcorn, a coffee mug with hot chocolate mixes, an ornament and 6 free movie rentals. We still ate too much and had a nice time but thanks to you Murphy and patients that think they need to put off there medical care until its 3 weeks later and over 1000 miles from home. Maybe I am abit inconsiderate but Murphy if I ever meet you I will punch you in the throat and kick you in the head! Of course after we cleared them out and our party was all but over we had nothing else for the rest of the day. FIGURES! Now that I am home and have had the time to relax and enjoy the evening I am less bitter but still disguised at what happened. I am now ready to begin my 3 days weekend. This will be my first paid holiday since starting the new job. Needlefingers and her Mom returned from Indy and the cardiologist appointment. They were very pleased with the Doctor and how he took time to explain what will happen and why and what to expect after her upcoming heart surgery. Unlike the Doctor at Deaconess that hasn't dictated a report on a exam that was done 2 months ago. If that's the way they run there hospital I am glad Needles Mom is going to Indy. Tomorrow we are going to Needles Mom's house to stay Xmas eve night and will be back Xmas evening for my family's get together Sunday. Just a couple more days and this Xmas thing will be over......

Maybe I am more cynical than Cynical but the picture is what I imagine is the brain size of the 3 patients that came in at noon today. I am awful......


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Uhoh, sorry the party was ruined. Sounds like you guys salvaged the party a bit though. Fun gifts!

Just remember, Christmas is only once a year.

Jennifer said...

I'm glad to hear the Indy trip went well for Needles and her Mama!

Oye. Too bad you couldn't tell the party crashers that since they waited 3 weeks, they could wait another couple of hours.