Saturday, December 10, 2005

Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Brown Recluse (Loxosceles reclusa)

Small tan to brown spider not much larger than a quarter. (legs and all) doesn't spin a web as usual spiders do. Goes on the prowl for its prey.

I posted several pictures to the Brown Recluse website I mentioned and linked to a few posts ago but they didn't put all of the pictures up so I thought I would post them as a record of what I went through.

? 24 hours after bite my left thigh started to itch severely. Small red area about the size of a mosquito bite.

2nd day red area about the size of a quarter. That night hands and feet itched. Severe rash on left foot. Water type small blisters under skin in between fingers.

3rd day tenderness at area of spider bite. Red area about the size of my palm. Itching less severe on feet and hands.

This was my left thigh 4 days after suspected Brown Recluse Bite. Trip to ER. Nov 27th
This was my left thigh 5 days after bite and after 24 hours on antibiotic. Was on my feet 91/2 hours at work. I do not recommend this. Warm compresses started. Nov. 28thThis picture was taken the 6th day post bite. Warm compresses and antibiotic therapy continued. Nov 29th

Picture taken Nov. 30th. Same treatment.
Left thigh . Dec 1st. Amazing change over 24 hours.
I talked with one of the Doctors at my work and he said I was very luck and must have had a strong immune system. He said there is a 50/50 chance at necrosis and ulceration. I hope to never go through this again.

Six days after I got bit, Needles bomb her Mom's house for spiders.

This is my left thigh Dec. 4th. Almost a complete recovery.

I hope that none of you have to go through this, and I was lucky, I only had a minor reaction.


K_Dense73 said...

Glad you're doing better, Ramblin. Nasty stuff!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I am officially creeped out.

Unknown said...

How horrible! Glad you got better.

I am getting reaccuring bites which look like the one in your first pics. But I'm not getting the large redness ring several days after. It is red but tends to scab up within a week. I found a couple of small brown spiders, about 1/4 inch. How did you identify the one you caught? And what pesticide have you used? Thanks in advance.
