Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Xmas Tree Fun.

Fuzzy must have a fetish with one area of the tree and one ornament in particular. Every evening, when I get home the same area of the Xmas tree is molested. Here is a picture to see if you can tell.
Arrow indicating the areas of major molestation. It is the same red ornament from yesterday. It must be his favorite so I will post a picture for Raggeds favorite ornament picture for Fuzzy Face.
It is a cheap plastic faceted ball. We decide to put these ornaments up instead of the glass ones. Looks like we made the right decision. Needles is off to a get together with her co workers so I am home alone and free to watch the bestest Xmas movie ever, A Christmas Story. I make note to watch it several times a year around this time. I have to watch it while Needles is out of the house as she doesn't like it. I can't imagine anyone NOT liking this wonderful movie that takes me back to the innocent time of my childhood when I didn't have to think about bills, work and worry about "W" (the next anti-Christ). The movie makes me think about Xmas when I was a kid and getting fun stuff like toys and not more practical gifts like sock or underwear. Ahhhhhh to the good ole days.


K_Dense73 said...

There's been several burglaries and molestations in our neighborhood too. *sigh*

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I too love "A Christmas Story", a classic in itself.

Thank the kitty for participating in "Post an Ornament 2005."

Our kitties are too lazy and fat to do any damage to the tree.