Monday, March 13, 2006

Bad Day.....Bad News.

Today started off pretty good but by noon it had started to make the turn to crazy. We went pretty much non stop all day. Just when we thought we were caught up we would get hit with another run of patients. I ended up working an hour over to get things in preparation for tomorrow. As I told my boss I was getting the heck outta there and see ya tomorrow, she called us until the office or a pow wow. She broke the news that the Dr. that came to the area when I was a student radiologic technologist 15 years ago is leaving. It was like a punch in the gut. I am sad that he is leaving, but he has very good reasons and I have to say that working with such a kind, easy going Doctor has been a delight and I am afraid we have been a bit spoiled. I just hope we get another Doctor that is nice to work with, but I am afraid the odds are against us.

This morning I found Coppers orange mouse with green ears and tail in his food bowl. This is twice I have found it there. I guess he is trying to combine 2 things he loves. Food and Play. Maybe this is the reasoning with McDonald's Happy Meal.


FarmWife said...

Kitty Meals!!!! That Rocks!!! I think they should have grown up happy meals. Just think, a filet mignon, baked potato, glass of wine, and an iPod! That'd be one expensive trip through the drive- thru!
Sorry about your Dr. buddy leaving. Bummer (as #1 Son would say).

Ragged Around the Edges said...

So sorry to hear about the doctor leaving. What a bummer!

Our cats do the same thing. I suspect that it's a way of keeping his stuff organized and in sight.