Sunday, March 19, 2006

I did it to myself.......

Get your mind out of the gutter. Needles said a memorable movie line last night and that spawned the memorable movie line test. This lines are somewhat memorable but not as memorable as lets say "Go ahead punk, make my day." Anyway while searching for obscure lines from movies that are well know but had to check and make sure they were correct, I ran into a little song that was on one of the movie site. I have now got it stuck in my head. I thought maybe a little blog therapy might help so I am posting the words to the song for all of you to see.

So long and thanks for all the fish.
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all, but, oh, dear
You may not share out intellect
Which might explain your disrespect
For all the natural wonders that grow around you
So long, so long, and thanks for all the fish!
The world's about to be destroyed
There's no point getting all annoyed
Lie back and let the planet dissolve around you
Despite those nets of tuna fleets
We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your pregnant women
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long!
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long!
So long, so long, and thanks for all the fish!
If I had just one last wish
I would like a tasty fish!
If we could just change one thing
We would all have learnt to sing!
Come one and all
Man and mammal
Side by side
In life's great gene pool!
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long and thanks for all the fish!

I love this song. Maybe you will enjoy it as much as I have. I was wanting to put a picture with this post but blogger seems to be screwed up again.


musicgeek said...

My youngest will burst out with that song at the funniest moments i.e. by the sushi bar at a Japaneses restaurant.

IMO the movie was ok, the books are AWESOME!!

Rudy said...

Thumbin a ride journal to the cosmos is the movie. Err I think.

FarmWife said...

Hitchhickers Guide I presume? Haven't seen it yet. Is it worth it?