Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Today was a nice day and I got to leave work at 3:00pm. I then went over to meet Needles at her job as she got us tickets for an authentic Irish meal put on my the culinary arts class. To start we had asparagus and leak soup with cream, followed by a nice salad with a mustard sauce. Then came the main course. I had Gaelic Steak sliced and placed on a mound of potatoes with a side of peas and carrots. For dessert we had Irish chocolate cheesecake. Yum Yum. My belly is still full.

This morning shortly after I woke up and was getting ready for work I noticed that the central heat kicked on, which is not unusual, stayed on for about 5 minutes and kicked off. I thought how strange but when on with my morning. About 10 minutes later it kicked on again and did the same thing. I flipped the thermostat's switch off and on and fiddled with the for about 5 seconds before I had to head out the door to work. I hope that the magical home repair fairy might stop by and fix it while I was gone.....Nope! It was still doing it when I got home and probably has been kicking on and off all day. Oh Yeah it was a sweltering 75 degrees in the house. I usually like to keep it at around 68. I eventually ended up turning off the gas and turning the fan switch off. I will have to call my friend tomorrow and see if he can take a look at it. This and the fridge was making a funny noise yesterday...Figures after we spent the money on a new laptop that some major appliances would go screwy.

Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

NOw I'm hungry!! Sonds Yummy!
Here's hoping the Home Repair Fairy comes to visit!