Friday, March 24, 2006


This is from my childhood of riding the bus an 2 hours to and from school. On Fridays at 5pm on the 96 STO they had a character called Wicked Wanda and she would yell out "IT"S FRRRIIIIDAAAAY!" Then they would breakin to Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. This was the official start of the weekend even though we were still about 30 minutes from the house. Lately I have been thinking about thing when I was young. It's like a mental time machine back to less stressful and less responsible days. Especially T.V. shows and toys. The A Team, Dukes of Hazzard, G.I.JOE, Gilligan's Island, The Jefferson's, Star Wars toys, Archie Bunker, Transformers, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Spiderman, Sesame Street, Electric Company and Night Rider to name a few. The other day while discussing days gone by, I started naming off the characters in the land of make believe. Like King Friday XIII, Prince Tuesday, Lady Elaine, X the Owl, Henrietta Pussycat, Daniel S. Tiger, Queen Sarah, Cornflake S Pecially, Robert Troll, Handy Man Negrey , Mr. McFeely ( Speedy Delivery) and last but not least Mr. and Mrs. Platypus. These were all a mental exercise o see if I remember and that dementia hasn't set in yet. Also it's nice to take a mental vacation.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

You have no idea how many memories that evoked. I can still remember hearing Wicked Wanda myself!

FarmWife said...

The Land of Make Believe was my favorite part of Mr.Rogers. That and Picture-Picture. Didn't Lady Elaine Fairchild live in the carousel museum? What was King Friday's niece's name? She was a real person. She made a cameo as the school principal in Jersy Girl (the Sweeny Todd scene). I loved her!