Monday, March 06, 2006

Not a Bad Monday.

It was a nice Monday.....I didn't think they made such a thing, but I was wrong. The day went smoothly and the phone didn't ring off the hook. The day was kinda fun, not two hillbillies throwing shoes up into a tree fun but fun in a work fun sort of way. Tomorrow doesn't look to bad either but I almost hate to say or type it as I know this will jinx it. Wednesday is the fateful day for Copper and his little buddies. We will be dropping him off at the vets Wednesday morning at 7am and pick him up after work Thursday around 4pm. He and Tugger has been going at it these last couple weeks and I am afraid when I bring him home after his surgery he will need to be quarantined from Tugger. I think over the weekend if it was in the house Copper ran into it. I think I saw him knock himself silly at least 4 times, I swear he staggered a couple times. I will be surprised if he makes it to adulthood with his marbles intact. It's fun to see them stalk and pounce each other and take turns doing laps though the house. You just want to make sure your not bare footed walking through when they are on the run. Usually the pounce each other at the same time and run at each other only to spring up in the air about a foot from each other with arms outstretched and claws extended and not touch. They are so silly. Needles just walked in from work. She said her boss sent home African food for me. Thanks "R", I am always up for food. Well I better go for now. I got food to eat.


Rudy said...

There aint much a nuthin out there thats hillbillie thowin shoes in a tree fun. huh huh huh

FarmWife said...

If you want him to grow up with his marbles in tact, don't you think you ought to skip the surgery?