Thursday, March 02, 2006

Crapola of a Day...Do you sense a trend?

Yep you guessed it today was CRAP! We got a brand new hundred thousand dollar piece of equipment and it has a software glitch. Nice! My boss will be back tomorrow from a site visit to upgrade some other equipment at our work. The highlight of my day was talking with Needles and my brothers phone call and corresponding visit to his blog site. We laughed until we couldn't talk. If you have a goofy sense of humor check out the Chuck Norris link. His wife Brando was heard saying in the back ground......"It's not that funny." I guess you just have to know my brother and I. If we get together we can find just about anything humorous.


Rudy said...

I pissed myself it was that funny.

Brando said...

I thought that they were okay, just not piss youself funny. Pilot is one of the few people that can get Rudy laughing crazy. They have some sort of weird feed.