Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Home Alone...

Today started out kinda crappy but got better. This evening I actually got to leave at 3:30 instead of 4:00 and 4:30 like the last few days. Since Needlefingers is out of town and I am home alone with the fuzzy kids. I did get to stop off and my brothers house and visit my niece and nephew. My nephew Yuri went to a friends house so we entertained ourselves by turning on the hair rock station and watching Yin dance around to her hearts content. She spun and bobbed and swung her arms around falling down several times in the process but she just kept on dancing. She just had to dance. Now that's good entertainment. It made my day. Hope tomorrow goes smoothly.


Brando said...

She's a Maniac, Maniac on the floor!

FarmWife said...

I just had to dance with my three whirling dervishes last night. "I like to move it, move it!"