Saturday, March 18, 2006

Memorable Movie Lines!

I am going to list a few movie lines and see if anyone can guess any or all of them.

  1. Never rush a miracle man, sonny....You get rotten miracles.
  2. This is WAR _________! Casualties are inevitable, you can not make an omelet without breaking eggs. Every cook will tell you that.
  3. I am Jack's colon....I get cancer, I kill Jack.
  4. Jesus Christ.....Stop me if you heard this one. Jesus Christ walks into a hotel. Hand the inkeeper 3 nails and asks. "Can you put me up for the night?"
  5. We thought you was a TOAD.
  6. Daddy. I want a Squirrel.
  7. Game over man....Game over!
  8. Debo's coming....Who? DE-BO!
  9. There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?
  10. Uhhh... the sea monkeys have my money... yes, I'm a natural blue...
  11. Curiously the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias, as it fell, was, 'Oh no, not again.'
  12. You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
  13. Flick says he saw some grizzly bears near Pulaski's candy store!
  14. Uh. Well, I've sinned. I didn't take any Polaroids or anything. But, yeah, I've sinned.
  15. Look, mother, I want to go to work in one hour. We are the Pros from Dover and we figure to crack this kid's chest and get out to golf course before it gets dark. So you go find the gas-passer and you have him pre-medicate this patient. Then bring me the latest pictures on him. The ones we saw must be 48 hours old by now. Then call the kitchen and have them rustle us up some lunch. Ham and eggs will all right. Steak would be even better. And then give me at least ONE nurse who knows how to work in close without getting her tits in my way.

This will do for now....Lets see how you do.

All I want is Movie Titles. Not the names of the people who said it, but if you want to include it thats fine.

Email me here if you don't want others to see your answers.


Rudy said...

2.Apocalipes Now
5.Oh Brother Where Art Thou
6.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
13.A Christmas Story

FarmWife said...

1 The Princess Bride (she says with total certainty)
5 O Brother, Where Art Thou?
6 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (NOT WILLY WONKA...then it would've been "Daddy, I want a golden goose)
8. Pulp Fiction? Total Guess..guess it's wrong if Rudy's right.
9. Signs
10 Finding Nemo
12. Napoleon Dynomite
.....I have no idea on the rest....

K_Dense73 said...

9. Signs
12. Napoleon Dynamite

musicgeek said...

11. Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe

K_Dense73 said...

What about: "He didn't get out of the cocka dooty car!"

K_Dense73 said...

Or one of my sister's favorites: "Are you high, Claree?"

Brando said...

1. Grease
2. Grease II
3. Grease
4. Grease II
5. Grease
6. Grease II
7. Grease

and so on...

My favorite is
"I don't think so, Dave"

Rudy said...

How about, "There were these two fellars standin' on a bridge, a-goin' to the bathroom. One fellar said, "The water's cold" and the other fellar said, "The water's deep". I believe one fella come from Arkansas. Get it?"