Thursday, March 09, 2006

Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain.

If it keeps raining I will need one of these to get to work.

It's raining.....AGAIN. I think we got a couple inches last night and it has rained all day today. I think we have gotten about 4-5 inches of rain in the last couple days. Channel 10 news was at our Casey's filming a shot of our fair flooded town. We finally made it on the map. Whoooo hooo!

Copper made home today. He seems to be no worse for wear and is doing well. The procedure hasn't slowed him down a bit. He has been romping around the house ever since he got home. He has to continue with some antibiotic for a week and then hopefully we will be finished with running him to the vet for awhile.

We opted to pick up Chinese tonight from one of our local restaurants. It was pretty good but we are spoiled from the other restaurants that have the buffet all the time. I had the General Tso's Chicken and Needles had the Lo Mein.

Did you ever see a commercial for a show and at first think, that looks interesting? But then they play the commercial over and over and over again, running it in the ground until you are so sick of see said commercial that you almost want to dig your eyes out with a spoon to keep from seeing it. Well I have. The commercial is for the new Black & White on FX. I thought the concept was interesting and edgy for the first 50 times the commercial aired, but then they kept show it about 10 times an hour so now I will not watch the show for the simple fact that I am so sick of seeing the commercial I think that slitting my wrists would be more entertaining. I might be wrong and the show might be a hit and people all over the United States and beyond will love the show and it might become another Seinfeld, West Wing or Lost. But I won't know it because I now refuse to watch it. Now that the first episode has aired I hoped and prayed that they would decrease the frequency of showing the commercial. Yeah right.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

I saw your little burg on the telly last night!!! Big stuff!

Glad to hear Copper wasn't emotionally scarred by his nip and tuck.

You can bring your canoe and paddle around our pond when the flood recedes.